DeLand wants public’s help to decide how to spend $600K

DeLand wants public’s help to decide how to spend $600K

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The Downtown DeLand Community Redevelopment Agency has accumulated $600,000 and must decide how to spend it in about 30 days.

Members of the CRA board, city staff and the MainStreet DeLand Association have produced a list of possible redevelopment projects, and want the public’s help to make the final decisions. 

According to City of DeLand spokesman Chris Graham, the projects and their estimated costs include: 

  • Leveling pavers in Downtown sidewalks ($100,000 to $150,000)

  • Rejuvenating the stamped concrete at many of the Downtown intersections ($500,000)

  • Streetscaping an area of Voorhis Avenue ($500,000)

  • Paving a grass lot off of Rich Avenue for parking ($200,000)

  • Renovating Sunflower and Painters Pond parks ($65,000)

  • Investing in a smart-parking management system for Downtown’s parking spots. ($600,000)

  • Replacing a cork directory board in Pioneer Park with an interactive digital directory ($30,000)

To share your ideas about how the money should be spent, complete the CRA survey, available online at

“I think we showed last year with the You Are DeLand project that we do value the opinions of our residents, and we do want to hear from them and see where things are,” Graham told The Beacon. “We encourage everyone to check out the survey, and please fill it out, because it will help us make a better decision in the end.”

Because of the tight timeline, the survey is being conducted online only. 

The City of DeLand must have a plan in place within about 30 days for using the funds, according to Assistant City Manager Michael Grebosz, although any decision could be tweaked later. 

Survey responses will be accepted through Friday, Feb. 26. All results will be presented to the Downtown CRA for consideration.

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