Governor signs tax cut bill

Governor signs tax cut bill

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Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed into law House Bill 7061, Florida’s Tax Cut Package, which he says will ensure the state of Florida remains one of the most tax-friendly environments in the nation.

HB 7061 provides taxpayer savings to families and businesses in the upcoming fiscal year, including more than $34 million in recurring tax cuts.

A newtax-free period during the first week of July— which has been dubbed “Freedom Week” — eliminates sales tax on things like museum, movie and music tickets, fishing and camping gear, bicycles, kayaks and surfboards. Tickets purchased during Freedom Week can be used for future events during the year.

The tax relief package also extends the state’s back-to-school sales-tax holiday, now to run for 10 days from July 31 through Aug. 9. The package also brings relief during the disaster-preparedness tax holiday, which started May 28 and ends June 6.

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 — Compiled by Business Editor Joe Crews

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