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Celebrating Father’s Day at Mosaic UU

Mosaic Unitarian Universalist Congregation, while not meeting face-to-face, is meeting online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. This Sunday, June 20, the congregation will continue the Summer Sharing Series of roundtable-style services, but will depart from discussion of the Unitarian Universalists’ Six Sources to celebrate Father’s Day.

Mosaic will be considering the definition of a father or father figure, influences of fathers or father figures, and whether the image of a father has changed over the years.

Facilitator Judy Raymond will guide everyone through the service. All are welcome! For instructions on how to join the virtual service, email to mosaicuuc@gmail.com.

The father/son relationship of Abraham and Isaac

First United Methodist Church of DeLand would like to wish all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles and father figures a blessed and happy Father’s Day. The church has a special family afternoon planned to celebrate the day and all those who make it the significant day that it is.

The church will be continuing the series “How Old Testament Heroes Walked With God” by examining the dynamics of the very special father/son relationship of Abraham and Isaac.

Isaac was the son of Abraham’s old age, as he was born when Abraham was 100 years old. The significance of Isaac being the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham plays an important role in what God asked Abraham to do with Isaac.

God asked Abraham to place his son on an altar and take his life as a gift of his faithfulness to God. Abraham was a great man of faith, but this request must have made him stop and ponder. Yet, still he did as God requested and took his son and headed up the mountain. Of course, God had a special surprise for both Abraham and Isaac once they got there. To find out what it was, you’re encouraged to attend services Sunday, June 20.

The story of Abraham and Isaac speaks volumes to us today about what it means to trust and obey and find that God always has a way that is more miraculous than anything we might be able to imagine.

Call the church office at 386-734-5113 for more information.

‘Joshua: A Model Dad’

The Rev. Elizabeth Carrasquillo will deliver the sermon “Joshua: A Model Dad,” for the Father’s Day service at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, June 20, at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand. After the opening welcome offered by Kathy Porr, the Rev. Carrasquillo will lift up prayers from the congregation, including a blessing for all fathers.

The worship service includes inspirational music provided by Christina Coulter. Paul Ashton will read Joshua 24:14-18 to support the Father’s Day sermon. Open Communion is offered to all believers by elders Eddie Wachter and Edna Cortes, who are serving during June.

Janet Raney and Lee Gartside are the greeters for the service. The Disciple Women are recognizing all fathers during the service with something sweet and chocolate.

Those who want to experience the service at home can view it on the Facebook page First Christian Church – DeLand Disciples and follow the church on Instagram at #fccofdeland, for church news and inspirational posts.

Quite remarkable!

This Sunday, June 20, the Rev. Harland Merriam will base his sermon “Quite Remarkable” on two Scripture selections, Hosea 11:1-11 and Matthew 6:5-13, at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services at First Presbyterian Church of DeLand. The church invites all attendees to join in the weekly Holy Communion celebration.

On this secular holiday of Father’s Day, Merriam will declare how remarkable is the situation that God chooses to be known as our father when “we sure don’t deserve it!” We don’t even act like it and certainly do not treat God as our father.

The Prophet Hosea makes this clear: how God has chosen to remain our father even though we rebel, turn away and pay no attention to God. We read of God’s disappointment, sadness, anger and discipline as a crucial part of God’s being our father and of loving us anyway.

God could choose to cut us off, give up on us, abandon us. But God does not! God chooses to turn toward us, draw us back to him, and show kindness to us, his errant children. Ultimately, Jesus plainly teaches us to approach God with these words, “Our Father …” Quite remarkable!

On the First Pres Facebook page, readers will find several opportunities for Bible study and fellowship as the COVID precautions have eased. Many missions of First Pres continue throughout the summer months, with details on the church website and on Facebook.

Children’s Church for ages 4-10 meets in the art room to explore Bible stories through creative building blocks and readings during the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.

First Pres looks forward to this summer’s Vacation Bible School in the evenings July 27-29. The topic focuses on “God Loves, God Calms, God Sends.” Children entering kindergarten through fifth grade from the church family, First Pres School, and Bethel AME communities will be welcomed.

Important: God’s Bathhouse resumes 9-11 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays each month. This mission offers needy and homeless people opportunities to improve their hygiene and acquire personal clothing. First Pres welcomes all who come to the parking lot on the church campus for assistance.


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