Editor, The Beacon:

A kudos to Noah Hertz for his excellent reporting regarding “How much parking should Old Jail developer build?”

His reporting is very comprehensive and thorough.

One thing that was reported and caught my attention was Mike Prelec Jr.’s conclusion that building private parking for the office and retail space his company intends to build would be a “waste of money,” and that he told the DeLand City Commission he had walked the neighborhood following a midday meeting at City Hall on a recent Tuesday and found plenty of available spots. Guess he did not factor in that fewer people were parking in that area currently because of COVID.

On the other hand, when times are normal, it is very difficult to find a parking space in that area. We were even told once that we could park in one of the commuter spaces behind City Hall during “off hours!”

Something to ponder from another perspective.

Lewis C. Long III

Lake Helen


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