New officers have been sworn in for the West Volusia Regional Chamber of Commerce. Instead of having a big installation dinner, however, the Chamber opted to administer the oaths of office at a morning mixer in late January.
This year, the Chamber changed the titles of some of the officers and the executive director. Instead of president, vice president, etc., the officers are chairman, vice chairman, and so on. The former executive director is now the president of the organization.
The executive officers for 2022 are: Chairman John MacFarlane, Central Florida Home Pros LLC; Vice Chairman (Chairman-Elect) Patricia Parte, Trustco Bank; Treasurer Rafael Ramirez, Halifax Health Deltona; Secretary Francine Rope-Mundy, FRM Professional Services; and Past President/Director Gary Sturgeon, GES Florida Insured LLC/Sturgeon Insurance Agency LLC.
The directors on the board are Patty D’Alessandro, Suzanne Kelly, Victor Ramos, Kayla Ferriero, Rick Bowman, Kayla DeCoff and Lisa Latham.
The Chamber staff remains the same: President Sherry DeCrenza, and Executive Consultant Sally Updike.
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— Compiled by Business Editor Joe Crews