Originally slated for this month, discussion on Beresford Reserve was pushed back
Beresford Reserve, the controversial housing development planned for the former Southridge Golf Course in southeast DeLand, is expected to return to the City Commission this May.
“We had originally targeted March 28, but there’s a meeting between DEP [Department of Environmental Protection] and the applicant to go over the protocols that are necessary for further testing and the like, and we felt it not appropriate to hold a second reading until that could be digested by everyone.” DeLand Mayor Bob Apgar said March 22.
When the development was last heard in January, it received an approval on first reading. That came after months of back-and-forth over how to develop on a 167-acre parcel that once housed a city dump.
The project will need a second approval before the land is rezoned and the developer can move on to drawing up site plans.
Keep up with The Beacon for future updates on Beresford Reserve and when the DeLand City Commission will next discuss the housing development.