GETTING INTO BUSINESS — Stetson’s School of Business Administration — which includes the M.E. Rinker Sr. Institute of Tax and Accountancy — is housed in the Lynn Business Center on the southwest corner


The Centurion Sales Program at Stetson University has been accepted as an associate member of the University Sales Center Alliance. The USCA is a consortium of sales educators who are dedicated to advancing the sales profession through teaching, research and outreach.

The USCA consists of 62 universities from the United States and Europe dedicated to preparing students for success in professional sales roles. USCA sales centers offer students an unmatched combination of specialized sales courses, mentors, internships and other forms of actual sales experience to help students learn, develop and sharpen their sales skills.

Students successfully completing these programs have shorter ramp-up times and outproduce those without this sort of specialized preparation.

“The level of student engagement that USCA member schools provide their students ensures that those students are learning more than just content,” said USCA President Scott Inks, Ph.D. “Our USCA certification signals that a sales program is providing a much richer educational and developmental experience.”

For more information about partnerships with the Centurion Sales Program at Stetson University, contact John Riggs, D.BA., at To learn more about the USCA, visit

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— Compiled by Business Editor Joe Crews


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