The City of DeLand is encouraging residents to let their voices be heard at a number of community forums in the coming months. As the city works on an update to its strategic plan, a steering committee of residents and the city manager are holding meetings across the city.
The strategic plan functions as the city’s road map, with mission statements and goals that chart a course for the future of DeLand.
Members of the community are invited to share what they think makes DeLand special and how they’d like to see the city grow and change.
“We will start the meetings off with a brief overview of why we are there. Then we will break up into groups and ask residents to respond to seven questions,” City Manager Michael Pleus said. “The table facilitators will take notes and report out the results. The results of each of the meetings will be given to the steering committee to identify broad perspectives that will help us formulate themes for our strategic plan.”
The city has scheduled six forums through May.
Each forum will begin at 6 p.m. These are the dates and locations:
- Thursday, March 16 – Chisholm Community Center, 520 S. Clara Ave.
- Thursday, March 30 – Sanborn Center, 815 S. Alabama Ave.
- Thursday, April 13 – Stetson Baptist Church, 1025 W. Minnesota Ave.
- Wednesday, April 26 – Victoria Gardens Clubhouse, 1001 Garden Club Drive
- Wednesday, May 10 – City Commission Chambers, 120 S. Florida Ave.
- Wednesday, May 24 – Dr. Joyce M. Cusack Resource Center, 481 W. Mathis St.
Can’t make it to the forum but still want your voice to be heard? The city has also launched an online platform to share feedback, too. On the city’s new platform, Engage DeLand, residents can respond to survey questions that city officials will see and consider during the strategic plan update process. You can find the platform online, HERE.