SOLVING MYSTERIES — Longtime MainStreet DeLand Association volunteer Susie Macon looks over records of the creation, in 2000, of a series of portraits of local people on the exterior walls of the Artisan Inn DeLand. Macon tracked down the names of those who are pictured. The remaining mystery? There were 22 payments of $250 each to have people featured, but there are only 21 portraits.
People scoffed when the City of DeLand told the people renovating DeLand’s Artisan Inn that they w

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  1. Yes, the game warden is my grandfather. I remember when my grandmother paid to have him painted. She was thrilled to see him there. Telling me how wonderful it looked. The painting has been on my fb for years. Thank you for letting people know who that man is. Thanks to Mary (my cousin) for filling them in.


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