Editor, The Beacon:

Having just returned from a nine-week stay in a historic Mexican hill town, I was moved to write about the benefits of living in a pedestrian community, with virtually no automobiles in the central section of town.

Built in the 15th century, the narrow streets were walled on both sides and each unique doorway opens to a residence, sometimes a courtyard lush with plants and often a water feature.

The slowed pace of walking piqued my imagination at every portal. I often saw the same people on the streets and in the common areas, and we greeted one another continually. There was a sense of unity and community, a felt connection.

From my residence, I walked for all my goods and services, and even after nine weeks, I never saw every grocery, produce stand, restaurant, coffee bar, hotel, art gallery or retail store, even though one could walk the 4-square-mile central city comfortably within an hour in any direction.

Most people live and work within walking distance of their homes. There are at least a dozen historic churches, each with its own shaded, landscaped plaza in front. Green spaces and parks are placed throughout, offering shade and respite. The Central Plaza is the focal point of the village, often filled with music and celebrations, as well as park benches and shade trees, resulting in a relaxed, uplifting atmosphere for all.

The town is also serviced by an efficient bus system with reasonable fees. All in all, my visit was almost entirely car-free, and I averaged 6,000 steps a day, versus the 600 steps and 25 car miles I average here at home in Florida.

Needless to say, there are almost no overweight or obese people there, an obvious contrast to the States.

I believe we could benefit greatly by following this model. Focusing on more concentrated housing with perhaps a multifamily development Downtown, we could create a car-free central area right here in DeLand, filled with healthier, friendlier, happier residents.

Sheldon Skolfield
DeLeon Springs


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