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Trinity Sunday

On Sunday, May 26, First Presbyterian Church of DeLand will commemorate Trinity Sunday — the belief that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are unfathomably present in the world — with worship at one combined service at 10:30 a.m. As customary on the last Sunday of each month, music will include both the Chancel Choir‘s traditional meme and the Praise Band‘s contemporary style.

Following the service, the church family invites attendees to join a potluck lunch. Volunteers are encouraged to bring sides or desserts to accompany the main course provided by the church. Those who do not bring something are still welcome.

All ages, especially youngsters, are invited to bring a swimsuit and towel to join in on Water Day, May 26, after the potluck lunch. Associate Pastor Casey Riker will lead the fun.

At the worship service, Pastor Michael Bodger will follow the Presbyterian Liturgical Calendar to teach on Trinity Sunday. In Psalm 29, David sings to “ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name …. in the splendor of his holiness.” John 3:16 declares that, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”  And in Romans 8:16, Christians see the complete Trinity in “the Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”   How unfathomably God is present in our world!

We remind you that God’s Bathhouse will be open 9-11 a.m. Saturday, May 25. Volunteers will offer private showers, fresh towels and needed clothing items, manna bags and friendly, supportive interaction.

At 10:30 a.m. May 25, the Presbyterian Women invite all the women in the church to the Ladies’ Tea and annual Least Coin Offering. For $5 at the door, guests can enjoy a tasty breakfast buffet, beverages and fellowship. There will be an installation of officers elected for 2024-25, an enriching program, and the opportunity to preview the Circle programs planned for the September restart.

Looking ahead, First Pres asks members and visitors to remain aware of the June Youth Trip to Montreat, Vacation Bible School in July, Sunday and weekday Bible studies, Pastor Bodger’s Sabbatical, and June’s summer series on Spiritual Practices.

Daily spiritual growth

First Church DeLand is starting the new sermon series “Life in Six Words.” Pastor Mark Bitner’s weekly sermons will focus on one word that will assist us in our daily spiritual growth as we contemplate that special word.

Wednesday-evening Bible studies have stopped for the summer and will resume in September.

United against hate

At 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 26, all are welcome at First Unitarian Universalist Church of West Volusia in DeLand to learn about the “United Against Hate” community-outreach program. Kevin Winchell, associate director of community engagement at Stetson University, will explain how this program — in all 94 U.S. Attorneys offices — aims to improve hate-crime reporting by teaching community members how to identify, report and help prevent hate crimes, along with building trust between law enforcement and communities.

Stetson University has partnered with the NAACP and the Volusia County African-American Leadership Council to extend this work across our community.

Winchell is responsible for creating and leading engagement efforts between the campus and community, directing the Stetson University Bonner Program, supporting campus and community political engagement through student voter registration and outreach initiatives. He is the founder/director of Democratic Strategies (a consulting firm for candidates, businesses and nonprofits), and the founder/director of Politics 101.

Unitarian Universalists are an inclusive, freethinking, faith community, where all are welcome, as everyone learns and searches together for truth.

Memorial Sunday

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand, with the Rev. Carlos Perez, is observing Memorial Sunday, May 26, in a different way. The congregation may give a donation to the Memorial Day Fund in remembrance of someone who has died. The names of those individuals will be added to a Memorial Remembrance List, which will be read at the service. The list will be framed for mounting in the church narthex for one year. Each year, a new list is to be developed.

Those contributing to the Memorial Remembrance Fund will receive a personalized certificate with the honoree’s name.

The Memorial Remembrance Fund is used as a “Fund for the Future” to meet future needs of the church. Bill McIntyre and Dorothy Ashton are in charge of the list.

Ministry activities surrounding May 26 include the Villa Health and Rehab Center Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, May 23; Friday Night Bingo at 7 p.m. May 24 (this is the last night of bingo until Friday, Sept. 13.); and the Intercessory Prayer Group at 3 p.m. Monday, May 27, which is open to all.

The Joy Club Ministry, in June, meets at The Bridge 2-3:30 p.m. on the first, second and fourth Wednesdays of the month under the leadership of Marge Jones and Essie Miller.


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