County to send out tax notices

County to send out tax notices

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{{tncms-inline alignment=”right” content=”<ul> <li>Notices will begin going out Friday, Aug. 16.</li> <li>The notices represent a sort of “worst-case scenario,” in that the local government or other taxing authority may reduce the proposed millage and amounts during the final phase of the budget process.</li> <li>Local governments and taxing authorities will hold public hearings in September on their budgets and tax rates, where residents can come and speak out, if they wish.</li> <li>Don’t confuse your TRIM notice with your actual property-tax bill, which will go out at the end of October.</li> </ul>” id=”322efa09-d224-4f57-815f-953a4b06e886″ style-type=”info” title=”IN SUMMARY” type=”relcontent” width=”half”}}

Coming soon to a mailbox near you: Volusia County’s preliminary tax notices for property owners.

The Property Appraiser’s Office will mail more than 330,000 TRIM, or Truth in Millage, notices Friday, Aug. 16.

The TRIM notices will be delivered to owners of homes and businesses as soon as the following day.

Even properties that are exempt from ad valorem taxes may receive the notices, because they may be billed for special assessments for stormwater control or solid-waste collection.

“There are no changes, except that the values are up,” Property Appraiser Larry Bartlett replied, when asked if there is any difference in the format of the mailings this year.

The TRIM notices are not to be confused with the actual tax bills.

TRIM notices list the local governments and agencies, such as the Volusia County School Board or the St. Johns River Water Management District, that are levying taxes for the 2019-20 fiscal year.

The TRIM notices show the estimated market value of the property in question and its assessed, or taxable, value, if any; the proposed rates of taxation, expressed in mills; and the times, dates and locations of the public hearings of all the taxing authorities claiming jurisdiction over the property.

The tax rates and amounts of taxes that may be imposed on the property form a sort of worst-case scenario, in that the local government or other taxing authority may reduce the proposed millage and amounts during the final phase of the budget process.

Property owners and others may attend the public hearings and offer comments, suggestions or opinions on the proposed budgets and tax rates before the governing bodies take final votes on the measures.

Those public hearings occur in September, and the new fiscal year for local governments begins Oct. 1.

By contrast, the actual property-tax bills will be mailed at the end of October, well after the taxing agencies have made their final decisions on spending and revenues.

Taxes become payable in November, and March 31, 2020, is the deadline to pay without risking penalties.

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Born in Virginia, Al spent his youth in Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia, and first moved to DeLand in 1969. He graduated from Stetson University in 1971, and returned to West Volusia in 1985. Al began working for The Beacon as a stringer in 1999, contributing articles on county and municipal government and, when he left his job as the one-man news department at Radio Station WXVQ, began working at The Beacon full time.

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