Spiritual Side: Going back to drive-in worship at Trinity United Methodist


Due to the rising cases of COVID-19, Trinity United Methodist Church in DeLand is going back to drive-in worship at 9 a.m. Sundays. Drive to the portico side of the church, and tune in to 88.5 on your car radio.

Individual Communion elements will be available, or you may bring your own. Offering buckets will be available after the service, or you may give online.

You can also view the church’s podcast on the YouTube channel Trinity United Methodist DeLand.

Feel free to contact the church office at 386-734- 4425 for more information.

The common good

On Sunday, Jan. 16, the sermon at First Presbyterian Church of DeLand will consider Paul’s message to the Corinthians in Chapter 12:1-11.

The Corinthians have perverted their individual gifts from the Spirit by using them as a mechanism to create a hierarchy within the church. Paul clearly refutes this practice and declares that these diverse gifts come from the Holy Spirit — not human endeavor.

Furthermore, Paul reaffirms that each gift, as valuable as the next, stands equally worthy of respectful sharing. He instructs them — and, of course, us — to never raise one above any other. The church as a whole must share and honor each gift for the common good.

Pastor Michael Bodger will challenge the congregation with important questions: What do we do with our personal spiritual gifts today? Do we hold them close or share them generously for the common good?

From 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 15, First Pres offers God’s Bathhouse to those people wanting the services of a shower, hygiene kits, clothing and fellowship. This free mission, which is held in the parking lot, will again take place Saturday, Jan. 22, welcoming all needy people.

First Pres has a new opportunity: Every third Saturday of the month (the next is Jan. 15), First Pres holds outdoor contemporary worship at 4 p.m. Then on the next day (Sunday, Jan. 16), the Daybreak Service takes place at 9 a.m., also outside. In this way, the church envisions reaching out into the community. Everyone is welcome to bring chairs and join the music, worship and fellowship.

After the Christmas holidays, activities announced in The Beacon’s Religion Directory have resumed, including Sunday’s various Bible studies, those convening during the week in person or by Zoom, projects such as the Community Garden, and serving more than 80 meals at The Bridge on first Thursdays (next on Feb. 3).

First Pres invites the community to share the church’s actively praying and outreaching ministry!

Revelation unveiled

Only the Lord Jesus can explain the symbolism in the Book of Revelation. He tells us it is all about heaven within us and how to deal with the challenges we face when bringing the New Jerusalem into our lives.

The Book of Revelation is not about nations, political systems, or leaders in the natural world. Everything in the Bible is symbolic and is concerned with God’s life in the world. Insofar as we follow the Lord’s commandments, the Bible is also symbolic of our own transformation and rebirth.

This week, Sunday, Jan. 16, Chrysalis Church will consider what the Lord reveals in His Second Coming about the “woman clothed with the sun” in Chapter 12. What do her labor and pain to give birth to a male child teach us about following the Lord? What is symbolized by the “fiery red dragon,” “Michael and his angels,” and the war they fought on the Earth?

In this and following weeks, after more than 50 years of study, Pastor Terry will be sharing his understanding of what the Lord has revealed in His Second Coming about the Book of Revelation.

Chrysalis is temporarily gathering at The New Church, at 145 N. Euclid Ave. in Lake Helen, beginning at 10 a.m., followed by fellowship and light refreshments.

‘Walking Away’

Mosaic Unitarian Universalist Congregation, while not meeting face-to-face, is meeting online at 11 a.m. every Sunday. The title of the Jan. 16 service is “Walking Away,” with the Rev. Ben Collins leading the congregation in exploring where we’ve been and where we’re headed.

As we embark on a new year, clarity about who we are and where we’re going can help us walk away from the stories that are no longer ours. It can help us focus on the few stories we’ve chosen to live. It can set us up for connection and momentum like we’ve never known. All are welcome.

For more information on Mosaic, see the website at mosaicuuc.org. For instructions on how to join the virtual service, email mosaicuuc@gmail.com.

Activities at 1st Christian Church

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand has a guest minister for the 10:45 a.m. worship service Sunday, Jan. 16. Because of the passing of the Rev. Elizabeth Carrasquillo, guest ministers will be filling in for several weeks.

Alex Velez will continue to provide special music, and the Lord’s Supper will be offered by the elders at every service.

Dorothy and Paul Ashton provide livestreaming on the Facebook page First Christian Church.DeLand Disciples. Instagram is available at #fccofdeland.

The adult Sunday-school class topic for Jan. 16 is “Justice and Fairness” from Exodus 23:1-12. Regular activities continue each week.

1st UU to hear about changes in Florida’s voting laws

On Sunday, Jan. 16, a representative from the League of Women Voters will speak to First Unitarian Universalist Church of West Volusia in DeLand about changes in Florida’s voting laws. The congregation is invited to ponder what was made law during the 2021 Florida legislative session. This presentation will explain how SB 90 impacts voting by mail, election administration and election protection.

Masks are required in the church building. The church may be contacted through www.uudeland.org to learn more.

Engaging in Christian community

“Like sands through an hourglass – so go the days of our lives.” “Time waits for no man,” and for some of us, we have a hard time waiting for time.

Having wisdom can sometimes help us with our struggles with patience. God’s Word instructs us to tie wisdom around our necks, for it is a good thing.

First United Methodist Church of DeLand is continuing the sermon series “The Wisdom Pyramid.” This week, Sunday, Jan. 16, members and visitors will be looking at how engaging in Christian community helps facilitate our search for more than knowledge. We want to be wise in our interactions and relationships, and having a community of those who are somewhat like-minded to encourage and support us can be very helpful.

If you ever find yourself needing a friend, an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, you might want to consider joining First Church this week, to find out how our Christian community can be helpful to you.

First Church offices are open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 386- 734-5113 for more information.

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Raised in Miami Beach, Margie moved to DeLand after graduating from Florida State University. She has a master's degree in community mental-health counseling, and retired after 12 years in substance-abuse treatment. Having worked at the DeLand Sun News during the 1980s, Margie came to The Beacon in 2002 in search of a second career. She helps the reporters; compiles obituaries, the calendar of events and religion news; and deals with a mountain of emails each day. Margie is the proud Nana to two grandchildren, Sophia and Alex.

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