<p>stock flowers</p><p></p>

You know the old saying, “Spring forward, fall back.” It reminds us to turn our clocks ahead in the spring and back in the fall. This year, daylight saving time resumes at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 13, so you should turn your clocks forward an hour before going to bed Saturday night.

This is also the day when Volusia County’s lawn watering schedule changes. If your lawn needs it, you may water twice a week until standard time resumes Nov. 6, when the once-a-week schedule will return.

People who live at odd-numbered addresses may water on Wednesdays and Saturdays, people at even-numbered addresses may water on Thursdays and Sundays, and businesses may water on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Each zone of your irrigation system may be watered no more than one hour or three-quarters of an inch on your permitted day. Watering is not permitted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The watering restrictions apply to all county residents, including those who live inside city limits. They also apply to all water sources, including private wells and pumps. For more information on water restrictions and conservation, visit www.volusia.org/water-conservation.

The time change also is a reminder to change the batteries in our smoke alarms. Smoke alarms can save lives if they are functioning properly, but studies show that most smoke alarms don’t work because of missing, dead or disconnected batteries.

Volusia County Fire Rescue offers free smoke alarms to residents in unincorporated areas of Volusia County. For more information, visit www.volusia.org/smoke-detector.

— Volusia County Community Information Specialist Pat Kuehn


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