A guy in his early- to mid- 50s rode his motorcycle to a Deltona bar the evening of Feb. 2, looking forward to spending some time with friends.

He parked across the street and realized he shouldn’t bring his handgun into the tavern. Therefore the fellow took it out of its holster and put it in his saddlebag, before going into the bar.

When he came out, the motorcyclist put his handgun back into its holster. For some reason, “the firearm got caught on the holster and accidentally discharged through the holster,” with a bullet hitting him in his right hip and coming out through his lower buttocks. (So you see, there is something worse than shooting yourself in the foot.)

Embarra**ed Biker drove to his home in Deltona and reported the shooting. Volusia County sheriff’s deputies went to his house and found his injuries not to be life-threatening. However, the lawmen still felt obliged to take photos of his hip and a**, as well as his hog.

Then Embarra**ed Biker was taken to a hospital in Sanford. (Perhaps his insurance policy required him to go to that hospital. Or maybe he didn’t want anybody else in Volusia County looking at his hip and derrière. After all, pics of his entrance and exit wounds had already been uploaded to “the digital crime scene database.”)

— By Keith Allen, based on local police-agency reports. If you have information about a crime, call Crime Stoppers, 1-888-277-TIPS. You could be eligible for a reward.


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