nardja sergui artist of the month april

Segui’s acrylic still life Dulce Flor, or “sweet flower,” is her favorite flower. She learned to love magnolias after living with them in New Orleans and Florida. Magnolia means “everlasting connection.”

Segui was born in Puerto Rico. She moved to New Orleans in 1991, where she lived for 25 years, before moving to Deltona two years ago. After retiring, she found time to pursue her interest in art.

The club recently enjoyed Segui’s presentation on art journaling.

“Creating art is like breathing air. I am a self-taught artist that began with art-journaling classes online and have developed my own unique style. I like working with acrylics and mixed media. I love painting faces with big expressive eyes because they reflect the soul,” Segui said.

She would like to encourage everyone to “try art and not be afraid. The more you do, the more you grow.”

West Volusia Artists meet 9 a.m.-noon on the first and third Fridays at the Wayne G. Sanborn Activity Center, 815 S. Alabama Ave. in DeLand. The next business meeting is Friday, April 1.

The group welcomes artists of different mediums and talent levels. Bring your art materials, and join everyone.

For more information, call club President Judy Rowlett at 386-738-5515.


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