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Friday, September 13, 2024
Home Business West Volusia veterans have a chance to win a free roof

West Volusia veterans have a chance to win a free roof

West Volusia veterans have a chance to win a free roof
PHOTO COURTESY BEERY ROOFING <b>Sean and Brenda Beery of Beery Roofing</b>

DeLand-based roofing company Beery Roofing & Redesign is giving away a free roof to a veteran of the U.S. armed forces to celebrate Veterans Day.

To be eligible to win the free roof, contest nominees must be active-duty or retired military personnel living in the West Volusia area. That includes DeLand, DeBary, Lake Helen, Pierson, Orange City, Deltona, and unincorporated Volusia County.

To register for the contest, applicants must provide the name and address of the veteran associated with the ownership of a property, some information about that person’s service in the military, and why they believe that person should win the free roof. Registrants for the contest can sign up for themselves or someone else.

Scan this QR code with your phone to get to the 2022 Beery Roofing free roof for a local veteran contest entry form.

Registration opens Oct. 1, and runs through Oct. 31. A contest winner will be announced on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11.

To sign up for the contest, visit the link https://forms.office.com/r/ZYE0gJsjKW, or scan the QR code here.

Beery Roofing & Redesign is owned by DeLandites Sean Beery — a retired veteran — and Brenda Beery.

Send us your news — We want your business news. Send news items and photographs via email to info@beacononlinenews.com. Please include a contact number. When sending photos, please send high-resolution, uncropped files, and identify the individuals pictured.

— Compiled by Interim Business Editor Tory Brown


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