<p><p><strong>VOLUSIA VOTES! </strong>— The winning design for the "I Voted" sticker contest conducted by the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Office. This design was made by DeBary resident Erin Maciejewski. "I voted" stickers passed out during the 2022 election cycle will feature Maciejewski's design.<span class="Apple-converted-space"></p><p></span></p></p><p>PHOTO COURTESY VOLUSIA COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE</p>

Editor, The Beacon:

I remember proudly and peacefully waving signs for candidates running for public office that I respected and supported.

I smiled unruffled at the jeers from rolled-down windows of passing cars (mainly to annoy them) whose occupants obviously disagreed with my choice. Of course, they had as much of a right to loudly disagree as I did to wave that sign for a cause or a candidate. That is democracy.

I remember having civil conversations while sharing a corner with someone holding the sign of an opposing candidate. I’ve even shared my M&Ms with them! That’s democracy.

I remember peacefully marching along the sidewalks of DeLand for a candidate or cause I supported, proudly chanting, “This is what democracy looks like!”

I never want to say to my great-grandchildren, “This is what democracy looked like!” There can never be a past tense for democracy in America!

Vote for equality, empathy, and education … not for hate, power and violence.

We are now facing the sunset of our democracy that so many have given their lives for. We must survive the night, and welcome a dawn filled with hope for everyone.

Please vote!

Barbara Keene



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