Readers weigh in on Hotel Putnam

Readers weigh in on Hotel Putnam
FIREPROOF — This postcard advertising the sand-lime brick Hotel Putnam as a “modern, fireproof” building with “150 rooms of comfort” is from the book Postcards of Historic DeLand, Florida, written by Bill Mancinik of DeLand and featuring postcards from the collection of DeLandite Randy Jackson. The book is available at The Muse Bookshop in Downtown DeLand, as well as at The Beacon newspaper office, and sales benefit the West Volusia Historical Society. Mancinik originated our series of articles on West Volusia history, with his “Native Reflections” column. Other writers picked up the momentum, to bring readers “West Volusia Memories.” PHOTO COURTESY BILL MANCINIK

The Beacon asked readers on social media what they would like to see replace the Hotel Putnam. In less than 48 hours, readers responded with 155 ideas. Here are a few of them:

An exact replica of the Putnam.

A four-story public parking garage for locals and tourists who want to shop and day drink. City of DeLand employees can golf-cart them Downtown and back for a small fee.

And, of course, charge $5 a day for parking.

That way some of us that actually work downtown will not have an issue finding a parking space when coming back from lunch.

Fix the parking issue, City of DeLand, please!

Lack of adequate downtown parking is deterring customers. I like the idea of retail and restaurants with a parking garage.

Please no enormous parking lots. DeLand is so beautiful and should continue to keep its walkability.

The worst thing would be another generic strip mall.

A rebuilt replica!

55-plus condos that look just as beautiful, with full amenities.

A mixed-use structure incorporating commercial and residential spaces while mimicking the original historic footprint and original architectural style and built atop a parking structure.

Chain dentist offices and mattress stores would be preferable.

A garden! Some fruit trees… vegetables. An edible garden.

Affordable apartments, but we do need a splash pad and another middle school.

A daycare for children of parents who work downtown

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