The Beacon asked readers on social media what they would like to see replace the Hotel Putnam. In less than 48 hours, readers responded with 155 ideas. Here are a few of them:
An exact replica of the Putnam.
A four-story public parking garage for locals and tourists who want to shop and day drink. City of DeLand employees can golf-cart them Downtown and back for a small fee.
And, of course, charge $5 a day for parking.
That way some of us that actually work downtown will not have an issue finding a parking space when coming back from lunch.
Fix the parking issue, City of DeLand, please!
Lack of adequate downtown parking is deterring customers. I like the idea of retail and restaurants with a parking garage.
Please no enormous parking lots. DeLand is so beautiful and should continue to keep its walkability.
The worst thing would be another generic strip mall.
A rebuilt replica!
55-plus condos that look just as beautiful, with full amenities.
A mixed-use structure incorporating commercial and residential spaces while mimicking the original historic footprint and original architectural style and built atop a parking structure.
Chain dentist offices and mattress stores would be preferable.
A garden! Some fruit trees… vegetables. An edible garden.
Affordable apartments, but we do need a splash pad and another middle school.
A daycare for children of parents who work downtown